Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mirror Mirror.....

So today I started the morning the same way I have been for a few days now, I wake up to a text that its time to exercise. I have been working hard on my appearance, I have three boys and we all know how pregnancy changes our bodies. I have been investing time, money and energy into my appearance. I realized when I looked into the mirror today that even if I become content with myself physically and become beautiful on the outside that it might impress others and even make me feel good about myself but is that what god looks at? Does He care about our weight, height, hair color, how white our teeth are, what clothes we wear? I think he does to a certain point but that shouldn't be our main focus and goal in life. We know from 1Tim 2:9 he says  "Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works." does that mean that we can't look nice and feel good about ourselves? no but we definitely shouldn't spend more time and money investing in our outward appearance than our heart and relationship with Christ. My new favorite verse is "Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." 1 Peter 3:3-4 and "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30....

External beauty is nice but fades away and all the makeup and exercise in the world doesn't stop time (or gravity) so today ladies lets focus on the internal and who we are in Christ. Look in the mirror and see yourself the way God sees you. As a beautiful wonderful creation made new in Christ! :)

Thank you Lord for your work in me, help me to see myself as the beautiful creation you made. Help me to focus on my heart and my relationship and love for you. And every time I feel ugly or not good enough help me to remember what you see and what you look at Lord, my heart. Convict me of the area's in my heart that are ugly Lord so I can have the right kind of makeover! Amen.

Have a wonderful day beautiful ladies!