As a parent I have experienced an amazing unexplainable love for my son. This love is greater than any other love I have felt for anyone else; I would be willing to sacrifice it all for my son even my own life. I am sure this is how most parents feel about their children. This love helps me to understand how much Jesus really loves me. What amazes me the most, however, is that his love is even stronger than that! We couldn't fathom how much Jesus loves us! In the same way we can’t fully understand how much Jesus loves us; our children can’t fully understand how much we really love them. They love us because we take care of them and they have faith that we will provide because we have since birth. However, it usually takes until they are an adult having a child of their own to fully understand how deeply we really love them. I can’t help but compare the ways my son acts and treats me to the ways most of us Christians treat Jesus without even realizing it. This has been showing me how much of a child I still am in my faith. For instance, how do our children act when they don’t get what they want from us? I know my son does not enjoy it and at times has actually told me he didn’t like me because of it. Let’s say Braden wants to watch a pg13 movie but I don’t allow him to watch it because I know the negative effects it could have on him. He doesn’t understand why I am saying no and even if I explain it to him he still seems to wonder how I can say I love him but not give him what he wants. It’s hard for him to trust me and that I know best. Are we not the same with God? How about when we pray we get to work on time and we still end up being late? Well thanks a lot God. What about when we pray something more serious like “Jesus, heal my loved one” and that person passes away or doesn’t seem to be getting any better? It’s moments like these that we don’t understand why someone who says they love us isn’t giving us what we want. I’ve come to recognize however that I shouldn’t only love God when he is giving me what I want but love him even when he doesn’t seem to be answering my prayers and giving me my desires! I need to trust that he knows best. He is my father in heaven, the God of the universe, he knows all things. He knows the desires of my heart better than I do. I am acting like a child, immature in my faith, by only being content when I am getting my way instead of letting God have his way in my life. I am only looking out for my son’s best interest when I don’t allow him to get what he thinks is best and God sees the big picture and looks out for our best interest in the same way. I know that as my son grows up he will have to make his own choices in life and he may stumble and fall at times, making poor choices; but when he does I will be here for him to comfort him and help him. I have made many poor choices in my life and felt that I was not good enough to face God. I knew he would be there but still felt too ashamed. I didn’t fully understand his love for me and how great it really was. I once thought he had given up on me but now I understand that he is always there, just waiting for me to lean on him so he can comfort me and help me back on my feet. I am so grateful for a God who draws so near to me that I can feel his presence and love. Through my shame he displays his grace and wipes my slate clean. His love for me is beyond measure, greater then I could ever ask, think, or imagine!! Greater than the love I have for my own son! We can all experience this powerful love, no matter what we have been through or what we may have done. The truth is we are all sinners, none of us are really good enough for God, and we can only experience him by first admitting this and surrendering all of who we are completely to him! I pray that each one of us as believers would fully understand how deeply he loves us, know that his grace is sufficient, and give everything we are to him so we can mature in Christ and become all that he created us to be!
1 corinthians 2:9NLV- “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
Ephesians 4:13NLV-This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.
Romans 8:38NLV-And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.39.No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
psalm 103:8 The Lord is compassionate and merciful slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. 11. For his unfailing love towards those who fear him is as great as the heights of the heavens above the earth.
This post was written by a dear friend of mine, love her heart after God! Hope this post blesses you like it has me! Happy Wednesday Friends!