Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to it

Once again I have failed at keeping this updated, I could blame many things but the reality is it was pure laziness. We have recently been blessed with the opportunity to live in a 3 bedroom house in another neighborhood. After much prayer I decided to move myself and my children to another home. There was a little resistance from the boys because they enjoyed the small cramped two bedroom apartment we called home. We are all moved in and are still trying to make it feel like home. They are adjusting well. School starts today and after a lot of tears and prayers I decided to take on the rewarding challenge of homeschooling them. All 3 of them! With the help of PA cyber school and some bible lessons we are on our way to a successful school year! I have also been blessed with the opportunity to change jobs which will allow me to be off every Sunday so that I can be back at church every week. Its so important for the children and I to worship together each week and they need to see that I am making that a priority. I must say that when I finally decided to pray and ask the Lord to provide a job without weekends he moved quickly, very quickly, when I got the call I was like “slow down lord to many changes to fast”.  I still took time to pray and make sure that it was the right move spiritually as well as financially for my family. In the end it was and making that step of faith was the hardest move of all. Truth be told I don’t like change, I like things that I can control. That’s my security, my comfort. God was giving me exactly what I wanted and was praying for and I still was hesitant because I wasn’t sure that things would work out. When it came down to it I realized that I thought I was trusting in the Lord to provide all my needs but in reality I was trusting in myself and my ability.  I have to meditate on those verses that remind us how much he cares for us and how much he provides and carries us through those times we feel like we just cant make it. Its funny, every time that I get stressed I have to train myself to think back over my life and all the times where I thought it wasn’t going to work and God pulled it off. As always he keeps his promises. My god has always provided, protected me and loved me even at my worst times. Wow people let us down constantly and the only one who remains faithful is Him. He always exceeds my expectations.

Today I am going to meditate on how much I am loved by my heavenly father. You should too. Talk to him, tell him how you feel, pray and watch how he changes you.  Have a wonderful day Ladies! 

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