So I was doing my hair today and my son came to me and asked me if he could do something. I said no and he said "mom, please!" and began to make promises that we both knew he couldn't keep. I promise I'll be safe, I promise I won't get hurt, please just let me do it! He was trying to assure me that he knew best, he knew better than me! His mom, who carried him and created him, with the help of my ex husband and God of course! Now we know pretty much about our children, after all we are the ones who love them most on this earth and we spend the most time with them and invest in them. I know (for the most part) whats good for my children and what could potentially harm them. Some battles are lost or not worth fighting. For example my 6 year old loves to run around outside without shoes, our backyard is safe but there is always a chance that he could step on a bee or stub his toe. After hours of convincing him its a better idea to wear shoes, i decided to let him go and he would deal with the consequences. Not even 10 minutes later he came inside crying and his toe was bleeding. He banged it on the porch. Nothing some water and a band aid couldn't fix. Through the tears he said I should have listened to you. I said well I tried to tell you but you needed to figure this out on your own. Next time wears shoes okay!
I started thinking how at times I can be like that with God. How if I want something I go to him even when I have a feeling that its probably not the best idea and I almost plead my case, begging Him and making promises that i really can't keep. Like God i want to date this guy who is not a christian, I promise I will always be a good example or I promise that it wont effect me. Maybe its I want this job God and i promise it wont get in the way of my relationship with you or my family life. God knows us better than we know ourselves. He knitted us together in our mothers womb, knows every hair on our heads. When he gives us something or sometimes doesn't, I believe that its for our good. I also do believe just like with my son, there are times where we need to go through trials to realize that its not good for us. No amount of me telling my son that shoes are necessary was going to do it, he had to go out there and stub his toe to realize "hey mom was right, I need shoes". Are there things in your life that you aren't surrendering to God? Whatever the reason may be, we need to realize that God, our creator knows us and loves us so much and wants to protect us from unnecessary hurt and pain. Either way god will use your situation. He will use it to grow you and to refine you.
I'm so thankful that even when I make mistakes that God is there with open arms ready to embrace me when I fall and get hurt, still loves me even when I mess up. Just like we are there for our children. Can u trust that He knows best? Can you give that situation your struggling with over to Him? Reach out to him in prayer and He is always there....
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