Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Are you beautiful?

I was out to dinner the other day and someone was telling me a story about how he held the door open for this girl at the gas station and she didn't say thank you. He went on to say that he doesn't mind holding the door for a "hot" girl but this girl was ugly and you can't be ugly and nasty at the same time. "Ugly girls that are nasty serve no purpose" I looked him straight in the eyes and said "who decides the standard of beauty?" I began to think about this for the next few days about the difference between pretty and ugly. What makes a girl pretty? what makes her ugly? What does society say about beauty? 
I know I struggle with beauty and the thought that I must compete with supermodels that I see on TV. I can change lots of things about me to fit the standard of beauty. I can dye my hair, change my body through exercise and even surgery, spend all my money on the latest clothes, get my teeth fixed, go tanning and on and on. But then what? When does it end? When will I be beautiful? 
Now you want to spend hours at the gym and whiten your teeth and even blow your money on the hottest trends that is your choice. I think it is very important to live a healthy life for multiple reasons. We need to be active and healthy so that we can more effectively share the gospel as well as be an example to our children. But sometimes us women can get so caught up in outer beauty that we neglect to see our value and worth through Gods eyes. When we see these women on television that we look nothing like, who have been so airbrushed they are almost beyond recognition, a lot of us have a bit of a struggle. Its easy to be discouraged when your standard is ever changing like the worlds, one day super skinny is in, then nope gain a few pounds. Then brunettes are sexy, but wait blondes have more fun! In parenting the boys I try hard to teach them to see beauty the way that God sees it. That the most beautiful thing in a girl is her spirit and her love for the Lord, that a heart after Jesus is far better than a girl who is just "hot". I've said it before ladies, looks fade and gravity always wins! Pour your energy into your relationship with the Lord and focus on being the woman of God that you were meant to be. The right man will find you if you are still single and if you are married you will be even more beautiful to your husband. I heard a quote the other day that says "If you use carnal means to get a man, you will need to use carnal means to keep him". Don't be so concerned with trying to be hot or sexy to get someone or even keep them. Remember your worth and value in Christ and how beautiful you are to Him. 
Proverbs 31:30- Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:25- She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. 

So next time you want to know how to become more beautiful or attractive to the opposite sex put down the vogue or cosmo magazine and pick up your bible and search the scriptures, our standard should be Gods standard. Next time your feeling "ugly" or unattractive or unloved go to God and ask Him to help you see yourself through His eyes. Remember you are worth dying for!

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